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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom; Michael Scott; Leonard Anderson; Robert Lowell; Anthony Costello

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Dan Leahy & Brian Dorwart P.E.- CB Blair Development; George Kiritsy Esq. - C.B. Blair; Rick Lovely - Busy Bee; Anna & Dennis Nelson; Helen & Donald Trottier; Denis Halfrey - Andrysick Land Survey.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

N.O.I. Alden Woods - Dan Leahy, George Kiritsy and Brian Dorwart were present. Information had been received in the office a few days before this meeting as well as a packet containing drainage plan, stockpile removal, typical details and cross sections was submitted at the meeting. M. Kennedy asked that the plans show where crushed stone will be used and the size and thickness. Also if the ground is unstable what other measures will be used. The drainage plan submitted at the meeting emphasized swales that will catch lot and roof runoff that eventually will end up in the detention pond. M. Kennedy wants the swales on the inner lots to show detail on how they will be constructed on such a steep slope. Matt wants the check dams to be at least every 25' and wants to see that the system is sized correctly for the site and how it will correlate to water quality. Matt said that the hydrology report could be sent as a PDF file. The steep slope area (2:1) will have GEO foam. Matt asked that they submit more info on the product application for what they are planning to use. B. Dorwart gave him a packet of information that he had. Hydrograss is involved in suggesting the type of erosion control for the slopes. For the next meeting the following information should be submitted: calcs -pre development; all supporting calcs; details erosion control materials; pond details and calcs; detail of check dams and floc logs; details of swales; steep slope info.; stock pile detail. The Board asked that the applicant submit a comprehensive packet that is all together with references of all relating. The material thus far has come from several different sources and pieced together. This case was continued to July 5, 2006.

NOI 11 Courtney Dr - Continued to July 5,th.

NOI 1800 Main St. - L. Anderson visited the site and said that the work was as scheduled. R. Lowell moved to close the hearing. M. Scott seconded and the vote was unanimous.

NOI 600 Manning St. - Continued to July 5th.

NOI 19 Salisbury St. - Denis Halfrey was present. The applicant wants to tear down the existing house and garage and build a 3 family dwelling. They have decreased the impervious area. M. Scott viewed the site and noted that it is quite wet. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous.

NOI 57 Broad Street - Denis Halfrey and Rick Lovely were present. Anthony viewed the site and wanted to know if the stone, near the golf course, was recently placed. It was. Run-off from the road drains into this property. P. Harding had requested a report on the impact to the wetlands where the violation first occurred. She wants detail on the two areas of violation. Dennis Nelson, abutter, was present and stated that his property has been flooded because of the back up of water that cannot drain as the pipe had been broken. Rick Lovely said that he would clean out and repair the pipe that is flooding their property. He is to let the Town know when he has completed this work. P. Harding will follow up with the neighbors to see if it resolves their problem. A. Costello moved to close the hearing, R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.

NOI Amendment 60 Dorothy Av. - P. Harding and R. Lowell met with the applicant to see the site restoration. R. Lowell moved to accept the change as non-significant. M. Scott seconded and the vote was unanimous.

COC Quinapoxet Woods - This case will be taken off the agenda until the Board hears from the applicant.

COC 500 Manning St. - N. Rocheleau stated that all the work has been completed and moved to issue a Certificate of Completion L. Anderson seconded and the vote was unanimous.

COC 86 Brattle St. - L. Anderson stated that all work is complete and moved to issue a Certificate of Completion. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Minutes - K. Strom moved to accept the minutes of May 3rd, 2006. N. Rocheleau seconded and the vote was unanimous with A. Costello and R. Lowell abstaining.

Forest Stewardship - M. Kennedy asked if R. Lowell or A. Costello had any objections on the plan. They did not. M. Scott moved to accept the plan, A. Costello seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Orders of Conditions

1800 Main St. - R. Lowell moved to issue a standard OOC, L. Anderson seconded and the vote was unanimous.

19 Salisbury St. - N. Rocheleau moved to issue a standard OOC, M. Scott seconded and the vote was unanimous.

57 Broad St. - K. Strom moved to issue an OOC with 2 special conditions. 1. The broken pipe shall be fixed and the Town notified before any other work can begin. 2. A restoration plan shall be submitted to P. Harding. N. Rocheleau seconded and the vote was unanimous.

N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing at 8:40 p.m. and K. Strom seconded. The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 5, 2006